Hi There!
& Welcome.
I Am Deon Cecile - Jamaican, born and bred.
This website is my passion coming to life.
I'm a multifaceted human being with varied loves and a zeal for WRITING and ORGANIZING.
What are some of my loves you ask? Well, I'm a Home & Garden Enthusiast, a Foodie and a Music, Art and Nature Lover.
On my website you'll find me sharing my life experiences with the hope that my stories help you in one way or another. Be it a reality check, an ah-ha moment, an idea, some new knowledge, peace of mind knowing someone else shares the same story, or just bellyfuls of laughter.
I'm also an organizing junkie, so, you'll find me sharing ideas and techniques that I've used over the years to keep my life and home organized. Hopefully these tips & tricks will help you reduce stress so that you'll find more time to do more of the things that matter most.
I'm a multifaceted human being.
I'm a Jamaican, born and raised in the cool hills of Manchester; now I live in the hot city. I'm a Blogger, Writer, Chief Virtual Organizer, and the Designer and Content Creator of this beautiful website,
In addition to that, I'm a General Management Professional who specializes in Operations Streamlining, Policy & Procedure Development & Training, Cash Management and Business Relationship Management.
Oh, I'm not done yet! I've recently added Proofreader and Editor to my repertoire.
Some folks would dare to argue that you can't have many talents or be able to work in such different fields. REALLY! I beg to differ. YOU CAN! If you have the right attitude and aptitude.
I've lived it, worked it, and still doing it.
I'm living out my passions, growing and learning more and more everyday, all while trying to help others fulfill some need or the other, coupled with a dash of fun.
Follow my social media pages and let's have fun, learn and grow together.

I can help you get those "T's" crossed and "I's" dotted. As a Proofreader and Editor I work along with you to ensure that your final product is the best. Contact Me...

I can help you create your content or create it for you. “You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence” ~ Octavia E. Butler. Contact Me...